We strive to produce the highest grade lumber from every log that we process, and we utilize as much of each tree that we harvest as possible. Every tree is analyzed to determine what products could be obtained that would be most useful to our customers. With butt logs, we endeavor to saw beautifully clear lumber, trimming knots, splits, and wane. Cherry and walnut are trimmed of sapwood to obtain at least one clear heartwood side. We take the time to grade-saw many short logs, and then sell our FAS (firsts and seconds) short boards at a discount. Logs with solid crotches are frequently slabbed for coffee tables or book-matched for dining room sizes. We rarely harvest one of our veneer-quality trees, but when we do, we saw it into wide, flat lumber, usually quarter-sawing the white oak. We would rather provide exceptional lumber for our customers than supply a foreign veneer market.
As boards come off the mill, they are cleaned and stickered for air drying. We always air-dry the lumber until the free moisture is removed, approximately 20- 25% emc (equalized moisture content), then carefully kiln dry the wood to between 6 and 8% emc. The boards are then surfaced in a 24" Oliver ITCH head planer and end-trimmed of all splits before being placed in the boardroom. Our lumber is sold in random widths and lengths. Board footage is marked on each piece.
Johnson Creek Hardwoods also offers custom sawing and processing. We provide the same attention to producing quality lumber for our customers that we do for our own logs.
“The best friend on earth of man is the tree. When we use the tree respectfully and economically, we have one of the greatest resources on the earth.”