On Shares:
Customer receives 1/2 or more of grade-sawn lumber.
No additional charges. Logs must be high quality and a
species that we need.
By the Board Foot:
$ .45/BF for grade sawing of 4/4 – 6/4 plain-sawn lumber.
$10.00 per metal occurrence for re-set and sharpen.
$40.00 per destroyed blade.
$50.00/hour for preparing logs (oversize etc.)
By the Hour:
$125.00 per hour for lumber thinner than 4/4 or thicker than 6/4, including odd shapes, slabs, beams or quarter-sawing.
Air drying: on a space available basis $ .35/ BF
Kiln Drying $ .45/ BF dried to between 6 – 8% EMC
Planing: $ .50/ BF to 24” wide. No dirty wood!
Planing Slabs $75.00/hour
Nail or rock damage / $100.00
Straight-edging: $45.00/hour
Johnson Creek Hardwoods reserves the right to refuse to saw any log. In the case of multiple nails or metal in a log that is sawn on-shares, we will decide when to quit.